HTC TyTNLiveSide reports that MSN is trying to get back in the business, taking back whatever they have lost to Windows Live. The first battle looks like it’s going to happen on the mobile arena.

In the first corner we have the mobile version of  - And in the other corner the mobile MSN version -

At a first glance, for me, the winner is since when logging in you have instant access to the feeds, mail, gadgets and other personalization you have done in the rich The mobile MSN of course contains the classic MSNBC news, FOX sports and other types of content. So if you are interested in that maybe MSN will be the winner. Content vs. customisation?

The user interfaces differ somewhat; Windows Live Mobile uses a really slick and clean look, really suitable for mobile access while MSN still looks like MSN :-)

Since they both are in beta, the now pretty common state of a web application, there will be more rounds in this fight…