Chart Part

I have recently been getting quite a few requests and comments about the status of ChartPart for SharePoint - a charting Web Part that I built about a year ago and shared on Codeplex. This latest version have had more than 6.000 downloads which I think is amazing, version 1 had close to 10.000 downloads.

I temporarily put this project on hold a couple of months a go, due to two major reasons; the built-in Chart Web Part in SharePoint 2010 and that I’m currently writing a book (which essentially means that I have no time at all). Now we now that the out-of-the-box charting Web Part is SharePoint 2010 Server Enterprise only and I only have one and half chapters left on the book.

So I aim to produce a new and improved ChartPart for SharePoint 2010 as soon as I return from my (well deserved IMHO) vacation.

If you have any requests, ideas or rants about ChartPart for SharePoint then head on over to the Codeplex site and discuss or submit a feature request.