A couple of months back I started creating a Yeoman generator to make it easier for me to scaffold, build and deploy the Microsoft Teams extensions (now apps). I’ve received very good feedback on it and had some very nice contributions to the project, which was hosted on my public Github account.

To really make this available for everyone to use I’ve been discussing this project with the Microsoft Teams team about having it “officially backed” by the real team and nut just me as an individual. After some interesting discussions the Microsoft Teams generator now have a new home.

The Microsoft Teams Yeoman generator are now transferred to the OfficeDev organization on Github and lives in this repository: https://github.com/OfficeDev/generator-teams

I think this is great and it will allow more organizations to actually use the generator. We’ve switched to MIT licensing and we added some contribution guidelines to be able to do this move. The rest is intact. All the old links to the repo will now redirect to the new one and you still use npm to install it in the same way.

We have some nice updates coming shortly to it, of which some you can see in the preview branch, that uses all the latest and greatest features of Microsoft Teams Apps.

A big thank you to Bill Bliss who set things in motion and did all the heavy lifting, and of course to all the contributors to the generator and to the great Microsoft Teams team!
