Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

Microsoft Teams

Congratulations to the Microsoft Teams team on an excellent delivery

A big round of applause for Microsoft and the team behind Microsoft Teams for now being general available (GA) worldwide. Today, they lit up the Teams icon in the Office 365 waffle for all tenants (unless your admins are being boring and has turned it off). It’s been awesome to be a part of this preview journey, which started last summer. Avanade was selected as one of the TAP members, in a preview program shrouded in a secrecy I’ve not seen at Microsoft before.

Microsoft Teams

yo teams-tab: A Microsoft Teams Tabs Yeoman generator

I’m happy to announce that today at SharePoint Saturday Munich I presented a new Yeoman generator for building Microsoft Teams Tabs projects. Tabs in Microsoft Teams is a great way to extend the user interface and to do integrations to other systems and provide visualizations. Tabs are based on a JavaScript framework, a set of web pages and a manifest describing the Tab. It requires a set of manual steps to both build out the pages, configuring CSS, hooking up the JavaScripts, deploying it all to a web site hosted in the cloud, writing the manifest, packaging the manifest into a zip file and more.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework has now reached General Availability - such a great journey

Let me start with congratulating the SharePoint Framework team on an amazing job and an amazing journey reaching this GA milestone. A Big Thanks from the team here in Redmond to everyone who helped us to get to GA! #SPFx #SharePoint #SharePointFramework pic.twitter.com/czo2Duon7z — Chakkaradeep (@chakkaradeep) February 24, 2017 The SharePoint Framework plays a significant part of the SharePoint future, yes - this is only the first version with a lot of new features on the way, and it is a part of the new SharePoint wave.

Office 365

Configuring Office 365 Groups creation the right way

Over the last few days the issue on how to prevent users to create Office 365 Groups has popped up in all sorts of conversations. This blog post will show you how to do it in the correct way, and serve as a future reference. I’m not the only one who have blogged about this, it’s in many places including official documentation. But in many places both scripts and some caveats are either wrong or outdated.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework: how to properly dynamically populate dropdown property pane fields

One of the key parts of SharePoint Web Parts is the ability to have them configurable using the Web Part properties. This story is still true with client-side Web Parts in the new SharePoint Framework. In this post I will show you one of the more common scenarios; how to populate drop downs (and other fields) in the property pane dynamically. But also show you how what’s wrong with the current implementation.

SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online CDN features announced in preview

Today, Mr Vesa, announced the availability of the (long awaited) CDN features for SharePoint Online. The SharePoint Online CDN features allows you to turn one or more libraries in your SharePoint tenant into a repository for assets that you want to store in a CDN for performance reasons and geo-distribution reasons. How to set things up I’m not going to rehash everything that is outlined in the announcement post, but rather highlight a few important things.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework Nuggets: working with GUIDs

SharePoint developers - we do like GUIDs, don’t we. We all read RFC4122 both once and twice. And now with SharePoint Framework and the goal to embrace all them Macintosh and open source people - they gotta have their fair share of GUIDs. And to aid with that the SharePoint Framework got some really nice GUID features, although a bit unpolished as you might notice - but this is all preview bits at the time of writing.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework Nuggets: logging like a pro

I guess that almost every application or solution you ever built has contained some portions of a logging mechanism. And how many of you have written your own - yup, all of you! But what about the SharePoint Framework - yes, it has built-in logging! How to log in the SharePoint Framework Logging is a very convenient and easy way to keep track of events happening, instead of having breakpoints, or in JavaScript even worse - alerts.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework Nuggets: render error messages

Do you write code that potentially can throw an error or an exception? Oh, you don’t - but sure you use a web service or external service or something that can throw an error. Well, it is you responsibility to handle the error and make sure to inform the user in a good way that something bad happened. With that I mean, do not show just a Guid. With the SharePoint Framework being all client side I think it is important to have control of your client side Web Parts and make sure that you properly handle and display error messages in a consistent way.

SharePoint Framework

SharePoint Framework nuggets: the loading indicator

SharePoint Framework is all about rendering stuff on the client side, avoiding the long overdue ASP.NET Web Forms technology that SharePoint (Online) is still fundamentally based on. When rendering things client side everything is done asynchronously, to avoid locking down the UI threads and having a user experience that is fluent. In order to give the user good feedback that things are happening in the background, you need to have some kind of visual cue that tells the user - hey I’m doing stuff now, gimme a minute.